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【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2024-6-27)

发布日期:2025-01-04 10:57    点击次数:72
转自:外交部发言人办公室2024年6月27日外交部发言人毛宁主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’sRegular Press Conference on June 27, 2024应巴拿马政府邀请,国家主席习近平特使、海关总署署长俞建华将赴巴拿马城出席于7月1日举行的巴拿马总统权力交接仪式。At the invitation of the government of Panama, President Xi Jinping’s special envoy and Minister of the General Administration of Customs Yu Jianhua will attend Panama’s presidential inauguration ceremony in Panama City on July 1.法新社记者:本周,环保分子在中国驻10个国家大使馆外举行示威活动,要求中国国有银行停止与法国能源公司道达尔合作,以终止正在非洲修建的石油管道项目。中方如何看待这些要求?对相关项目前景有何评论?AFP: Environmental activists protested outside Chinese embassies in 10 countries this week, demanding that Chinese state-owned banks stop cooperation with French energy company TotalEnergies to terminate the construction of an oil pipeline project in Africa. How does China view their demand? What is your comment on the prospects of the project?毛宁:我不了解你提到的具体情况。作为原则,中国一贯重视环境保护,在非洲开展的合作项目有助于当地经济社会可持续发展。Mao Ning: I am not familiar with the details you mentioned. Let me say broadly that China attaches great importance to environmental protection. The cooperation projects in Africa that we take part in are conducive to sustainable local economic and social development.深圳卫视记者:我们关注到,中国野生动物保护协会昨天发布消息称,已与奥地利美泉宫动物园签署了新一轮大熊猫保护合作协议,并宣布大熊猫“云川”“鑫宝”将启程赴美国圣迭戈动物园开启新一轮中美大熊猫保护合作。发言人能否进一步介绍相关情况?Shenzhen TV: We noted that China Wildlife Conservation Association announced yesterday that it has signed agreement with Schönbrunn Zoo in Austria on a new round of giant panda conservation cooperation and that a pair of giant pandas Yun Chuan and Xin Bao are bound for San Diego Zoo in the US to begin a new round of China-US cooperation on giant panda conservation. Can you give us more details?毛宁:奥地利美泉宫动物园和美国圣迭戈动物园都是世界知名动物园。中方与两家动物园开展大熊猫保护研究合作均已超过20年,取得丰硕成果,为提升大熊猫保护研究水平、增进民间友好作出积极贡献。Mao Ning: Schönbrunn Zoo in Austria and San Diego Zoo in the US are both famous zoos in the world. Our giant panda conservation cooperation programs with the two zoos date back to over 20 years ago. Both have been fruitful and contributed a lot to giant panda conservation and research and the affinity between our peoples.据了解,中国野生动物保护协会与奥地利美泉宫动物园昨天正式签署新一轮大熊猫国际保护研究合作协议,将从中国大熊猫保护研究中心选送一对大熊猫赴奥地利开展为期10年的保护合作,旅奥大熊猫“园园”和“阳阳”将于今年回国。大熊猫“云川”“鑫宝”已于今晨搭乘包机前往美国圣迭戈动物园。中美双方按照大熊猫国际保护合作相关要求和技术标准做好了各项准备,确保它们飞行期间健康安全。中方专家将在美驻留3个月左右,陪伴两只大熊猫度过隔离检疫期,适应新的生活环境。公众将可以通过多种方式了解它们的生活日常。We understand that China Wildlife Conservation Association and Schönbrunn Zoo in Austria officially signed the agreement on the new round of giant panda conservation and research cooperation yesterday. A new pair of giant pandas will be selected from China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda and travel to Austria for a 10-year conservation cooperation project. Yuan Yuan and Yang Yang, the two giant pandas who currently live in Austria, will return to China later this year. The pair Yun Chuan and Xin Bao left China this morning on charter flight for San Diego Zoo. China and the US have made full preparation in line with the requirements and technical standards for giant panda conservation cooperation to ensure their health and safety during the flight. Chinese experts will stay in the US for about three months until the pair end their quarantine period and become accustomed to their new home. There will be various ways for the public to learn about what their life will be like.我们相信,新一轮中奥、中美大熊猫保护合作将为促进大熊猫健康福祉,提高大熊猫等濒危物种保护能力,推进全球生物多样性保护和增进中外人民友谊作出新的贡献。We believe that the new round of China-Austria and China-US giant panda conservation cooperation will contribute to the health and well-being of giant pandas, the capacity for protecting giant pandas and other endangered species and efforts to promote global biodiversity conservation and the friendship between the people of China and the rest of the world.法新社记者:意大利警方宣布破获一个跨境人口贩运网络,该网络使用豪华轿车等渠道将中国移民偷运到意大利,并强迫他们无偿劳动。请问中方是否就此案与意大利警方沟通合作?中方能否提供更多信息?AFP: Italian police said they have busted a cross-border trafficking network which used luxury cars to smuggle Chinese migrants into Italy and forced them to undertake unpaid labor. Did China and the Italian police communicate or cooperate on the case? Can you provide more information?毛宁:我不了解你提到的情况。我想强调的是,中国政府在非法移民问题上的立场是一贯和明确的。中方反对并坚决打击任何形式的非法移民活动,并就此积极开展国际合作。Mao Ning: I’m not familiar with what you mentioned. I would like to stress that China’s position on the issue of illegal migrants is consistent and clear. China opposes and fights all forms of illegal migration, and engages in active international cooperation on this front.路透社记者:请问有多少外国政府代表或外国领导人将出席明天举行的和平共处五项原则发表70周年纪念大会?包括哪些外方嘉宾?Reuters: This is about the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Conference tomorrow. How many representatives from foreign governments or foreign leaders will attend the conference? And who are they please?毛宁:感谢你的关注。和平共处五项原则发表70周年纪念大会将于明天举行,中方会及时发布消息,请你保持关注。Mao Ning: Thank you for following the commemorative events. The Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence will be held tomorrow. We will release timely information on the event. Please stay tuned.总台央视记者:据报道,26日,玻利维亚陆军司令苏尼加率军人包围总统府、议会等主要国家机构所在地,要求同阿尔塞总统“对话”。阿尔塞总统谴责陆军“非正常军事行动”,解除苏职务。苏及其所率军人随后撤离现场。玻方宣称已挫败政变企图。中方对此有何评论?CCTV: It’s reported that yesterday Bolivian general commander Juan Jose Zuniga led armed forces to storm the presidential palace, Congress and other major national institutions and sought to have “dialogue” with President Luis Arce. President Arce denounced the “irregular movement” of some army units and dismissed Juan Jose Zuniga. Zuniga and the soldiers soon pulled back. The Bolivian government said they have defeated the coup attempt. What’s China’s comment?毛宁:中方注意到玻利维亚发生“非正常军事行动”有关报道。作为玻利维亚的好朋友、好伙伴,中方希望并相信玻利维亚政府有能力妥善处理,保持国家和平稳定与发展,这符合玻人民根本和长远利益。Mao Ning: China noted the reports on the “irregular movement of troops” in Bolivia. As a good friend and good partner of Bolivia, China hopes and believes that the Bolivian government has the capability of handling it properly and maintaining national peace, stability and development, which is in the fundamental and long-term interest of the Bolivian people.《环球时报》记者:据报道,日本政府25日在内阁会议决定,颁布相关政令,将位于小笠原群岛父岛东侧的小笠原海台海域大陆架扩大12万平方公里。依据《联合国海洋法公约》,日本将对该大陆架海底资源进行优先探查。中方对此有何评论?Global Times: It was reported that on June 25, the Japanese government decided at a cabinet meeting and issued relevant order to expand the continental shelf in the waters of the Ogasawara plateau region east of Chichijima in Ogasawara islands. The expansion covers about 120,000 square kilometers. Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Japan will have preferential right to the seabed resources in this area. What is China’s comment on this?毛宁:中方注意到,大陆架界限委员会已经在2012年对日本涉小笠原外大陆架划界案提出修改建议。至今,日本非但没有按照委员会的建议进行修改,反而单方面扩大了相关主张。日方做法有悖《联合国海洋法公约》的规定和国际实践。需要强调的是,沿海国在委员会建议基础上所划定的外大陆架界限才具有确定性和拘束力,否则不应得到国际社会认可。中方认为,任何缔约国提出的外大陆架划界案申请,都应严格遵循《公约》确立的人类共同继承财产原则,不得侵蚀国际海底区域,不得损害国际社会整体利益。Mao Ning: We noted that back in 2012, the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) adopted the “Recommendations of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in regard to the submission made by Japan on 12 November 2008” relating to the outer limits of the extended continental shelf in Ogasawara. Rather than revising its claims in accordance with the recommendations of the CLCS, Japan has unilaterally expanded its claims, which contravenes the stipulations of UNCLOS and universal practice. It’s important to note that the outer limits of extended continental shelf can only be final and binding when they are delimited on the basis of the recommendations of the CLCS. Otherwise, they shall not be acknowledged by the international community. China believes that any application on the outer limits of extended continental shelf filed by the State Party should strictly abide by the principle of common heritage of mankind enshrined in UNCLOS, and should not infringe on international seabed or harm the overall interests of the international community.巴西劳动者电视台记者:明天是中国和委内瑞拉建交50周年纪念日。去年两国提升了双边关系水平。中方对中委关系未来发展有何期待?TVT: Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of the relations between China and Venezuela. Last year, the two countries raised the level of their relationship. I would like to ask you what are China’s expectations for the coming years regarding Venezuela?毛宁:去年9月,习近平主席和马杜罗总统宣布将两国关系提升至全天候战略伙伴关系。明天是中国和委内瑞拉建交50周年纪念日,这是一个承前启后的重要历史节点。中方愿同委方一道,以两国元首重要共识为引领,总结中委关系50年发展的成功经验,推动两国关系取得更大发展。Mao Ning: Last September, President Xi Jinping and President Nicolás Maduro elevated China-Venezuela relations to an all-weather strategic partnership. Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of our diplomatic ties, a milestone that has unique significance for the future of our ties. China stands ready to work with Venezuela, be guided by the important common understandings reached by the two presidents, take stock of the experience drawn from the success of our 50-year bilateral relations, and achieve greater progress in China-Venezuela relations.
